EXCLUSIVE from GlowTravel: 10 things that make England seem like a dream destination, full of iconic sights and rich history, but it’s not a vacation spot. What if we told you there are some surprising reasons to think twice before bookingyour trip? Stick around as we uncover the real scoop on what you need to know before vacation to England!
10. Rire est illégal

Believe it or not, there is a quirky and often misunderstood rule in England that you should know when on vacation: Laughing in public, especially if you’ve had a little too much to drink, can get you into trouble. Yes, you heard right. Picture this: It’s Friday night and the pubs are buzzing. You’ve had a pint or two and the jokes are flowing as freely as the beer.
Suddenly your laughter gets a little too loud and you attract the attention of the local constable. Next thing you know, you’re being asked to keep it down or, in some cases, even leave the pub. That seems harsh, doesn’t it? But there’s more to it than meets the eye. England, with its long history and deep-rooted traditions, places great emphasis on public order and politeness.
It’s about maintaining a certain decorum, especially in public spaces where noise can quickly become a nuisance. Drunken laughter, while often harmless, can sometimes degenerate into scuffles or even fights. To prevent things from getting out of hand, the authorities have drawn up rules that may seem a little strict to outsiders.
9. Augmentation des taux de problèmes de santé mentale

England is facing a major challenge in the fight against rising mental health issues. Annually, thousands of people find themselves struggling with conditions like anxiety, depression, and stress, exacerbated by the pressures of modern life and the lack of adequate mental health support.
This worrying trend is jeopardizing the well-being of countless people. It contributes to a society where mental health is increasingly at risk and under-promoted. The fast pace of life in England, coupled with economic pressures and social isolation. This environment creates a problem in which mental health problems can thrive. Cities that were once vibrant and full of life are now full of people struggling with the invisible burden of mental illness.
L'impact sur les communautés est écrasant, car de plus en plus de personnes se trouvent incapables de faire face à la situation, ce qui entraîne une augmentation de l'automutilation, de la toxicomanie et même du suicide. Les difficultés sont exacerbées par la stigmatisation qui entoure la santé mentale. De nombreuses personnes souffrent en silence, n'osant pas demander de l'aide par peur du jugement ou de l'incompréhension.
Cette stigmatisation empêche non seulement les gens d'obtenir le soutien dont ils ont besoin, mais perpétue également un cycle de souffrance et de négligence qui rend la résolution de la crise encore plus difficile.
8. Déclin des services publics et des infrastructures

England is also facing a major problem, namely the deterioration of public services and infrastructure. Which can make your vacation there considerably more difficult. Year on year, the quality of essential services such as healthcare, transport and education is deteriorating due to underfunding, mismanagement and increasing demand.
This worrying trend not only affects the daily lives of residents, but also raises serious questions about whether England is still a worthwhile destination. Just imagine: Hospitals are overcrowded with patients, leading to longer waiting times and poorer quality of care. Roads and public transport that were once efficient are now plagued by delays, overcrowding and frequent breakdowns.
Schools are also struggling with overcrowded classrooms and inadequately equipped facilities, leaving students without the support they need to succeed. The challenges are exacerbated by the government’s inability to keep up with the need for maintenance and modernization. Aging infrastructure is being left to decay and essential public services are being cut, resulting in a deteriorating quality of life for residents and a less than ideal experience for visitors.
7. Application de la loi avec de lourdes amendes

L'Angleterre, connue pour le charme de ses paysages et la richesse de son histoire, possède également une face cachée qui peut prendre les visiteurs au dépourvu : une application stricte de la loi assortie de lourdes amendes. Le système juridique anglais est rigoureux et impitoyable, avec des sanctions qui peuvent laisser les résidents et les touristes dans l'embarras. Commençons par les infractions au code de la route.
L'Angleterre est équipée d'un vaste réseau de caméras de surveillance et de pièges à vitesse, de sorte qu'il est pratiquement impossible d'éviter d'être repéré si vous commettez une erreur sur la route. Qu'il s'agisse d'un excès de vitesse, d'un mauvais stationnement ou de l'entrée dans une zone d'embouteillage sans payer, vous pouvez vous attendre à recevoir une lourde amende.
These fines aren’t just a slap on the wrist, they can be substantial, putting a serious dent in your vacation budget and leaving you with an unpleasant memory of your trip. The impact of these strict laws and heavy fines can be significant, especially for tourists who may not be familiar with all the local regulations.
6. Hausse des taux de criminalité dans les zones urbaines

In recent years, the crime rate in England’s cities has risen alarmingly, significantly affecting the safety of residents and visitors. Vacation in such areas, can make for risky choices. England’s cities are facing a rise in crime that threatens the peace and stability of daily life.
The rise in violent crime. From stabbings in busy city centers to robberies in seemingly safe neighborhoods. Locals and tourists alike are shocked. One of the most alarming trends is the rise in knife crime, particularly in cities such as London, where fatal incidents are becoming increasingly common. On the outskirts of London, it is often impossible to go out alone in the evening. England remains a culturally rich and historically important country.
However, the rising crime rates in the cities cannot be overlooked. While the charm and allure of England attracts millions of tourists every year, the risk of encountering crime is an ever-present problem. So if you are considering a visit to England, you should be aware of the risks associated with urban areas.
5. Les pièges à touristes surmédiatisés

L'Angleterre, souvent célébrée pour ses monuments historiques et sa richesse culturelle, cache également une réalité moins attrayante : les pièges à touristes surfaits qui peuvent vous décevoir et vous faire perdre de l'argent. Les lieux les plus célèbres d'Angleterre ne sont souvent pas à la hauteur des grandes espérances qui ont été créées autour d'eux.
Imagine arriving at Stonehenge. One of the most iconic sites in England. Only to find that you are surrounded by crowds of people and have limited access to the stones. Only to have to pay a hefty entrance fee for a rather short experience.
The attraction of the mysterious ancient stones is often overshadowed by the commercialization of the site. Where the mystique is diluted by gift stores and expensive tours. Similarly, London’s famous attractions such as the London Eye or Madame Tussauds can be tests of patience. But standing in long queues and paying exorbitant prices only to be disappointed with the experience.
So, if you’re planning a vacation to England, be prepared to navigate a landscape filled with overhyped tourist traps.
4. Règles strictes concernant ce que vous pouvez apporter dans le pays

England is a popular destination for vacationers, but behind its inviting facade lie strict rules. This could turn your trip into a problem before it has even begun. The strict rules for entering England can lead to considerable frustration and even unpleasant surprises at the border.
Imagine coming back from vacation with souvenirs or food, only to be stopped at customs and told that certain items are not allowed. England has strict regulations on the importation of food, plants and animal products, as well as strict limits on the amount of duty-free goods you can bring in. These regulations can catch travelers off guard and lead to confiscation of items and even fines.
But it’s not just food and plants that are strictly regulated. England also has strict regulations on the importation of certain medicines, electronic devices and even cultural artifacts. Travelers who are not fully aware of these regulations may find themselves in
Travelers who are unaware of these regulations can find themselves in a difficult situation where they lose valuable items or have to go through complex bureaucratic procedures to get their property back.
3. Coût de la vie élevé et accessibilité financière limitée

England, with its rich history and cultural appeal, might seem like an ideal destination. Beneath its charm lies a reality that can hit your wallet hard: the high cost of living and limited affordability. Visitors to England may find themselves struggling to manage the steep expenses associated with even a short stay.
Imagine arriving in London as vacation, one of the world’s most iconic cities, only to be shocked by the cost of necessities. From accommodation to dining out, prices can be eye-wateringly high.
A simple meal at a modest restaurant can cost as much as a fancy dinner elsewhere. Finding affordable lodging in a central location often feels impossible without breaking the bank. Even everyday items, like a cup of coffee or public transportation, come with a hefty price tag that quickly adds up.
2. There are traffic Cameras everywhere

England, with its picturesque landscapes and historic cities, might seem like the perfect place to explore by car. But there’s a hidden challenge that could make your driving experience less enjoyable: traffic cameras everywhere.
La présence massive de caméras de surveillance du trafic en Angleterre peut prendre les voyageurs au dépourvu et transformer un trajet tranquille en un véritable parcours du combattant.
stressful endeavor. Imagine setting out on a scenic drive through the English countryside or navigating the bustling streets of London. Only to find that you’re constantly being watched. From speed cameras to red light cameras and congestion zone monitors, England’s roads are covered with an extensive network of surveillance.
Every turn you make, every lane you change, and every speed limit you pass could be captured on camera. Leading to hefty fines for even the smallest infractions.
1. Climat humide entraînant une dépression saisonnière

England, renowned for its rich history and scenic beauty, also has a hidden challenge that could significantly affect your well-being: its damp climate, which can lead to seasonal depression. England’s persistent weather issues can take a toll on mental health, impacting the overall experience of visiting or living there.
Imagine arriving in England, excited to explore its charming towns and historic landmarks. Only to find yourself dealing with the constant gray skies and drizzly rain that characterize much of the year.
The persistent dampness and lack of sunlight during the winter months can contribute to a condition known as Seasonal. Affective Disorder (SAD), which affects many people and can lead to symptoms like depression, fatigue, and a lack of motivation.